Voice Actor / Casting Director
Arabic voiceover artist, casting director and founder of THE ARABIC VOICE™ studios and ArabicIVR.com
The voice of: Apple customer support IVR system in the Middle East, Turkish Airlines on-board announcements, BMW Group on-board audio description, Barcelona Bus Turistic and Olympic Museum audio guides, INTERPOL, Yale University, Nissan, Intercontinental Hotel.
Group, Amazon, Apple, Daimler-Benz, IBM, HP, and Lacoste e-learning programs, Western Union Customer Service IVR system in the Middle East.
Casting and Acting Director of Shadow of the Tomb Raider Arabic edition-2018, played as: Dr Dominguez (the main antagonist of Shadow of the Tomb Raider)
Voice coach of Amazon “Polly” text-to-speech project -Arabic version-