




♦ Take a moment to read through the details below to understand how the scholarship was initiated and to get a sense of what can be anticipated in 2024. ♦
The NAVA Brad Venable Scholarship in Partnership with SOVAS
This is your chance to do good for someone else by nominating them for this life-changing scholarship providing direct exposure to a variety of one-on-one training opportunities, including private sessions, traditional acting training, online courses, networking events, mentoring, and audio gear. It will help ensure that the recipient receives credible, effective, and relevant training that will further their opportunities for success as voice actors.
ELIGIBILITY: Everyone is eligible and no purchase is necessary.
Applications for the scholarship are currently being received. The winning recipient will be announced at the next That’s Voiceover!™ Career Expo (TVO) at 5:50 PM PST on Friday, December 8, 2023. To nominate someone simply fill out the application via the link at the bottom of this page. If you personally wish to be considered for the scholarship, ask an ally to fill out the application on your behalf.
Scholarship Details
- Art of Acting Studio (Los Angeles only) ~ Art of Acting Technique Intensive Part One: Eight (8) -Week Course*
- Sennheiser ~ Profile Mic, MKE 600 Mic, HD 280 Pro Headphones
- Joan Baker ~ Five-session Commercial Coaching Package
- Rudy Gaskins ~ Four (4) Marketing Consultation Sessions
- That’s Voiceover!™ Career Expo ~ Two (2) Tickets for 2024 Event
- Voice Arts® Awards ~ Two (2) Tickets for 2024 Event
- West Coast Demos ~ Two (2) demos of your choice
- Voice By Maria ~ One (1) Non-Broadcast Genre Demo
- Audio Ninja Masterclass by Jordan Reynolds~ Access to Course
- Atlas Talent Agency Consultation (Via Zoom)
- V123 Pros ~ One (1) Free Course “Optimizing Your Experience on V123”
- The VO Edge ~ Tracy Lindley– One (1) The VO Edge LinkedIn Marketing Course and an Amazon Gift Card
- Tina Morasco ~ Lifetime access to Tina Morasco Coaching Library
- The HALP Network ~ One (1) Free Class
- Julia Bianco Schoeffling ~1 copy of The Art and Business of Acting for Video Games
- Julia Bianco Schoeffling ~1 copy of The Art and Business of Acting for Video Games
- Total Value of Scholarship = $20,000
5 Finalist Will Be Selected
- One (1) Free Admission to That’s Voiceover Career Expo Sponsored by Get More with Moreira
- Travel to That’s Voiceover Career Expo (up to $500) – Sponsored by Voice Actors of NYC
- Lifetime access to the Tina Morasco Coaching Library
- One (1) Video Game Coaching session with Michael Scott
- One (1) Commercial Coaching Session with Robb Moriera
- One (1) 30-minute negotiation coaching session with Maria Pendolino
- One (1) The VO Edge LinkedIn Marketing Course + Amazon Gift Card with Tracy Lindley
- One (1) Coaching Session with Dave Fennoy
Bradley DeRoi Venable
Brad Venable was a friend, mentor, coach, and voice talent. Sadly he passed away on January 7th, 2021. Brad was known for a variety of roles in anime, gaming, and beyond, including the likes of Griffon in Devil May Cry 5, Scratchmen Apoo in One Piece, Daz in Attack on Titan, Cormag in Fire Emblem Heroes, and Shisami in Dragon Ball Super. He had last provided voices for titles like Final Fantasy VII Remake, Demon’s Souls, and Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045.
Brad respected his craft. He always made sure to thank everyone who made any opportunity come his way. He never took anything for granted. He respected the VO Community. He respected his friends and colleagues and everyone he had the opportunity to work with. He respected everyone’s time, showed up early, and never lingered long after an event. He had incredible manners.
Brad was one of the most talented voice actors around. The range, the commitment, the depth. Only now is he getting the recognition he deserved, which is sad, but also wonderful that it’s finally coming. He would never boast. You’d give him a compliment and he’d just say, “awe shucks”. There are those that know they are good. They intimidate when they are in a room with you. Brad was the opposite. He was humble as humble can be. Glad to be wherever he was. Willing to help anyone who asked. And if something was wrong with him, he would never let on. Humility, Talent, & Professionalism were all wrapped up together in Brad.
Brad sure did love. He loved his wife. He loved his friends. He loved his family. He loved his fans. He loved his craft. He loved pretty much endlessly. He loved every opportunity he got. He loved every person that made that opportunity a reality. And you could see it clear as day. He worried, he stressed, he had all the normal human problems, but his love overpowered. Katie was at almost every session Brad did. They were always together. We loved seeing both of them. Every single place where Brad was, Katie was there too.
Brad loved to learn, and he loved to teach. He took as much joy in seeing his friends learn and succeed as he did in his own personal success and growth. He was always striving to be the best, to find folks who were better than him and learn from them. Funny thing is, even when he was learning from those he thought were more talented, they were learning just as much from him.
Brad will be deeply missed forever.
A Letter from Brad’s sister:
I can’t remember a time in my life he didn’t excel at anything he attempted. So when he decided he was going to go into voiceover work I had no doubt he would do fantastic. Growing up I can recall him being able to imitate sounds and voices with no effort. I have always been proud of my older brother and bragged on him any chance I could. I know he was following his dream in the voiceover community. His star was rising when he was taken from us too soon. I didn’t realize how many lives he touched, but I’m honestly not shocked. He has always been a great friend along with son, brother, uncle, and husband. If you were fortunate enough to meet Brad then you were blessed to know someone who wasn’t only a talented voiceover actor, but a genuine man who loved with his whole heart.”
A Letter from Brad’s widow:
He honed his craft from the vocals to the engineering board. He loved all the people as well. To him everyone was a rockstar – from the agents and directors to the actors and engineers and he treated everyone with the same amount of respect. On my first date with Brad, I learned about the world of voiceover and saw a passion and love that drew me in. What drew me in the most was his tears as he told me he wanted to be able to give back as he had been given to. This is not how I ever imagined it would be, but I know because of his character and love, he is leaving a lasting legacy and is giving back through this scholarship. To all the applicants, I say best of luck. I know Brad would be proud and so humbly awed to have his name associated with this award.”
– Kathryn Venable