Voice Actor / Voice Coach
Yukiko Fujimura is a Japanese voiceover artist with over 20 years of experience. Yukiko is the founder of Voiceover Japan, the first online school for Japanese voiceover artists who want to work in the international markets. She has taught over 250 voice talents and received excellent feedback from her students who say that her lessons have changed their lives. Yukiko also founded Voiceover Japan Awards in 2022, which is Japan’s first awards for voiceover artists aiming for overseas markets.
Yukiko started her career as an anchor for a TV station, and has hosted many TV programs. After giving birth to her daughter, she began her career as a voiceover talent. Yukiko helps companies that want to expand their business in Japan to attract and connect with their customers by using a voice that captures the hearts of Japanese people. Many companies including Google, Amazon, PRADA, Tesla, IBM, and Microsoft chose her voice to increase their brand awareness and sales in Japan.
Yukiko won the Best Voice Artist at Asian Academy Creative Awards in 2022 as the first Japanese to win the category. She was also nominated for SOVAS Voice Arts Awards, One Voice Awards USA for the international category. She also won the Audience Favorite at CastVoices Soundbyte Contest.
In addition to being a voiceover artist, Yukiko has served as a bilingual host/emcee for many international receptions including G7 summit Ministerial Meeting, World Economic Forum Japan Night, UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction.
局アナ時代はニュース番組キャスター、情報番組司会などを担当。退社後は渡米し、ハリウ ッドスターへのインタビューのインターンを経験して帰国。その後バイリンガル MC として、G7 や世界経済フォーラム Japan Night、国連防災世界会議といった国際会議やレセプションの司会のほか、大統領や閣僚、大使などのスピーチ通訳もつとめる。
またナレーターとしては「売上を上げたいときの声」として Google, Microsoft, PRADA, Amazon, Tesla などから各種日英ナレーションの依頼を受け、自宅スタジオから世界中のクライアントに声を提供している。2019 年にはナレーターの海外進出を応援する Voiceover Japan を創設。代表としてナレーターが海外市場で活躍するための方法などを伝え、多くのナレーターから「人生が変わった」といった感想が届いている。
近年は海外のナレーターの賞にも挑戦し、Asian Academy Creative Awards では日本人初となる最優秀ナレーター賞を受賞。また SOVAS Voice Arts Awards や One Voice Awards の国際部門でノミネート、CastVoices Soundbyte Contest は人気投票で 1 位を獲得するなど、海外のナレーション業界で日本人ナレーターとしての存在感を高めている。
Contact: https://www.bilingualvoicejapan.com/