Moving Life & Career Forward: Food For Thought
By Rudy Gaskins, October 22, 2023
We all reach a point in our lives and careers, when we evaluate the milestones, we’ve achieved and look ahead to what’s next. But many of us draw a blank when faced with this question, which can be distressing. Equally distressing is to come up with a pat answer that allows us to keep busy, but leaves us feeling uninspired.
It’s important to recognize that you don’t have to come up with an answer right away. The question of what’s next is the start of a personal exploration – a renewal of your goals and the possibilities that draw you into the next chapter of living a life you love.
Take a look at your to-do list. Overwhelming, right? The first thing to do with your to-do list is to cross out the stuff you know you’re not going to do. Liberating, isn’t it? Now, carve out time for you to be with yourself. There is nothing you have to do with this time except own it for yourself. Be with yourself for at least 15 minutes a day, and watch what happens.
Allow yourself to be still, to reconnect to your inner being. For some of us, sitting still can feel like wasting time, and it causes us to become anxious. Getting past this block requires a little trust in the sages of old. Ram Daas aptly points out, “The quieter you become, the more you can hear. “
The opportunity here is to notice and eventually clear the morass of racing ideas, and give yourself room to examine what’s important to you, unfettered by pressure, time, or self-criticism.
When the moment feels right, look to see where there is realignment with your core values. Ask yourself what is really important to you in life. This is a process; you don’t need to decide this minute or against an artificial timeline. So, take the pressure off yourself and give it time.
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With a little extra time to yourself, you may find that feelings that were previously hidden away or covered up because you were too busy will surface. You needn’t try to avoid your emotions. When you feel and examine your emotions, you may find that they have something to teach you.
There is great power in choosing rather than deciding. The root “cide” come from Latin, where it means “kill.” For example, homicide, suicide, genocide, etc. So, when we decide, we literally kill off possibilities until we’re left with our decision. Choosing, on the other hand, frees you to select what you want without killing off other possibilities. Everything remains available to you.
In your stillness, with more free time and an increasing understanding of your emotions, you can explore what brings you joy. Ask yourself what you feel passionate about. The question is the start of a journey of exploration. You needn’t feel like the answer must come right away. And, even if it does, there is nothing to say that something else won’t show up as you continue your journey. The magic is in asking the question.
If you find that you’re stuck for ideas, seek trusted people for support. You can listen to others, without getting caught up in their opinions. Your instincts will guide you to the path that’s right for you, and no rule says you can’t choose a different path as you go along.
Sometimes you may refuse to take a step forward in life because you don’t know what to expect. You don’t know the outcome; therefore, fear creeps in. This keeps you in a state of inaction.
But what if you let go of the outcome and let the inspiration for your action be all that you need. Trust that it will lead you to opportunities far beyond what you imagined. How boring would life be if you knew exactly how each day would turn out from day one? Allow for intrigue. You may fear stepping into the unknown, but that fear is also your instinct telling you that opportunity awaits.
Change can be scary, if you tell yourself that it is. However, change is an inevitable and persistent reality of life. Because you choose to resist change doesn’t stop it from happening. It’s just a matter of whether you want to live a life of resistance or a life of freedom. Embrace the unknown. You’ll still be you, with your own ideas, and the choice to create a life as you imagine it. In this way, your life will embrace rather than resist the abundance that is available to you. ♦♦♦
Rudy Gaskins is the CEO and co-founder of the Society of Voice Arts and Sciences (SOVAS), a nonprofit organization in support of the global community of voice actors as well as the associated craft professionals that comprise the voice acting community. He is the co-creator of That’s Voiceover! Career Expo and the Voice Arts® Awards. Rudy is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and branding expert who has developed creative and branding services for global brands such as American Express, Lexus, NBC Sports, Delta Air Lines, Costco, Food Network, BET, and TV One. He has won dozens of marketing and creative awards across the media spectrum.
From the Society of Voice Arts and Sciences
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